Our Patient Engagement Forum (PEF) has been developed to ensure that the patient voice is heard by the ICB in line with our policy for working with people and communities.
The members include representatives from patient groups and people with advisory roles from across Hertfordshire and west Essex including representatives from our two local Healthwatch organisations. The Forum has scheduled meetings every two months.
Forum members are connected to various communities and networks and use their insight into local views and issues to propose items to the ICB board. They also pose questions in the public participation section of board meetings in public.
The forum also now has its own closed Facebook page which is a safe space for people living or working in Hertfordshire and West Essex to have their say and get involved with their activities. Find out more about joining the group on Facebook.
Patient and community representatives
- Alan Bellinger (Patient Chair) – ICB Buddy Scheme patient representative
- Michael Carn – East and North Hertfordshire Community Assembly patient representative
- Leighton Colegrave – Primary Care Transformation Committee citizen representative, East and North Hertfordshire
- Fiona Corcoran – Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Hertfordshire
- Joy Das – Primary Care Transformation Committee citizen representative, West Essex
- Rita Dovey – West Essex Carers Network representative and member of The Princess Alexandra Hospital patient panel
- Nishall Garala – Patient member of the Princess Alexandra Hospital Patient Panel
- Sam Glover – Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Essex
- Neela Hibbert – West Essex Citizens panel patient representative
- Marianne Hiley – Primary Care Transformation Committee citizen representative, South and West Hertfordshire
- Leigh Hutchins – Patient member of West Herts Teaching Hospital Patient Panel, chair of Disability Watford and Herts County Council physical Co-production Board
- Shanie Hutton – Hertfordshire County Council
- Justin Jewitt – Patient Safety Partner and Quality Committee patient representative
- Indra Jones, patient volunteer for East of England Ambulance Service Trust and for the ICBs health inequalities group
- Rajwant Kaur Singh – West Essex patient representative
- Kevin Minier (Patient Vice Chair) – shared South and West Hertfordshire Health and Care Partnership Co-production Board patient representative
- Martin Norman – East and North Hertfordshire patient representative
- Ann Nutt – Patient Panel Chair for Princess Alexandra Hosptial
- Andrew Smith – Viewpoint mental health service user representative
- Claire Uwins – Patients Association task and finish patient representative
- Ron Walker – Patient Participation Group (PPG) Chair (East and North Herts), part of the ICB’s PPG steering group
- John Wigley (Patient Vice Chair) – shared South and West Hertfordshire Health and Care Partnership Co-production Board patient representative
- Peter Wilson – Patient volunteer for the Cancel out Cancer campaign
- Paul Campion – Quality Patient Group (Chair), patient volunteer
Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board representatives
- Michael Watson – Chief of Staff
- Heather Aylward – Engagement Manager
- Louise Manders – Deputy Head of Communications and Engagement
- Lauren Oldershaw – Senior Communications and Engagement Officer
If you would like to contact the Patient Engagement Forum, email Heather Alyward, Engagement Manager.